Recent Submissions

  • PIMENTEL, Kalidiandra de Rezende (2017-12-10)
    It addresses the development of logical-mathematical reasoning in children aged four to five years old, and was the object of research in this article, whose objective was to analyze whether the work of teachers in early ...
  • SANT'ANA, Meliane Santos Gomes (2018-12-10)
    We will consider as a thematic area the process of interaction between teacher, family and child in early childhood education, and the effects that this relationship can produce in the life and learning of the child, ...
  • VALADÃO, Rayanne Correa (2018-12-10)
    It addresses the relevance of creativity in the classroom as an essential support for transforming the lives of young children into a constant dialogue with affection, innovation, respect and ethics. It provides studies ...
  • ROSARIO, Luana Silva do (2018-12-10)
    It reports on the development of oral and written language in the context of Early Childhood Education. He discusses that when speaking in Early Childhood Education it is to bring to mind more than caring, but also ...
  • MARQUES, Samira Alves (2018-12-10)
    The article will discuss a brief reflection about the school curriculum and intends through bibliographic research to make evident its function in the school environment. It is known that the curriculum contributes in a ...
  • QUEIROZ, Mayara Isaura (2018-12-10)
    The proposed article highlights the importance of musicalization in early childhood education. It reflects on learning moments articulated and designed with the musical language. Bibliographical research as a theoretical ...
  • MEDEIROS, Lucas Monteiro (2018-12-10)
    It contemplates the diverse influences of Physical Education and its historical context. The objective is to analyze the perception of the school community regarding the relevance that Physical Education has in the school ...
  • MARQUES, Samira Alves (2018-12-10)
    The article deals with inclusive education for the handicapped in the school environment. I emphasize that the inclusion of students with physical disabilities in the school space has been a challenging task, based on ...
  • VALADÃO, Rayanne Correa (2018-12-10)
    It addresses the relevance of creativity in the classroom as an essential support for transforming the lives of young children into a constant dialogue with affection, innovation, respect and ethics. It provides studies ...
  • RIBEIRO, Vanessa de Souza (2018-12-10)
    Reflections reflect on the current scenario of Brazilian education. High dropout rates, children with great difficulties in reading and writing, lack of inclusion and a new BNCC that will "solve" these conflicts. It addresses ...
  • ROSA, Eliete Gomes Ferreira Mendes (2018-12-10)
    It presents the importance of the participation of the family in the school life of the children, for the accomplishment of this study the descriptive methodology was used, according to Gil (1996). With data presented ...
  • MENEGUELI, Thayná de Oliveira (2018-12-10)
    It presents some important conceptual questions for the understanding of the thematic as: what is the meaning of the term psych pedagogy, what is the concern of the psych pedagogy, as well as its object of studies and the ...
  • SOUZA, Patricia Baptista de Freitas (2018-12-10)
    laying is a fundamental act for young children, especially those who attend day-care centers and full-time. Child development occurs through play, whether directed or not, in a group, or when the child plays alone. Play ...
  • SOUZA, Patricia Baptista de Freitas (2018-12-10)
    Playing is a fundamental act for young children, especially those who attend day-care centers and full-time. Child development occurs through play, whether directed or not, in a group, or when the child plays alone. Play ...
  • GONÇALVES, Edna Ferreira (2018-12-10)
    This article aims at to contemplate how much it is important the persistence of the school and all that in it are engaged so that the inclusion of the deaf pupil in the same one happens. Supported for laws that this right ...
  • GONÇALVES, Edna Ferreira (2018-12-10)
    This article analyzes how the playful is extremely important for the development of the human being facilitating his teaching-learning process, explores his creativity much more, developing the individual as a whole. Making ...
  • MORAES, Emelyn Ferreira Gonçalves (2018-12-10)
    This article aims to analyze the importance of play as an educational process, aiding in learning in all areas of education. Demonstrating that play is one of the most successful forms of learning, because the student ...
  • MORAES, Emelyn Ferreira Gonçalves (2018-12-10)
    The purpose of this article is to show the relevance of teaching to the deaf student, as well as the commitment of the school and all those who are part of it, Taking into account the deficiency of the deaf student, assuring ...
  • SANT’ANA, Meliane Santos Gomes (2018-12-10)
    Contemplamos o estudo sobre a educação de uma geração cada vez mais ansiosa e imediatista, uma geração fast- food, que busca informações rápidas e prontas, disponíveis seja por meio da televisão ou internet. Analisaremos ...
  • SANTOS, Maria Dajuda Alves dos (2017-12-10)
    Aborda a ludicidade no contexto escolar e suas possibilidades no que tange ao desenvolvimento e aprendizagem do aluno. Contempla temáticas lúdicas que dialogam com o caminho no qual o aluno tenha melhor compreensão, percepção ...

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